Daily mental health Journal Review


Being able to keep a track of your daily ups and downs is crucial when dealing with your mental health. This Daily Journal not only gives you simple writing prompts to help you identify your triggers and stressors but also helps you to check in multiple times throughout the day and throughout the week and gives you the ability to look at the prior month and figure out what your best days were what your worst days were and everything in between. This also serves as a physical copy of your daily emotions that you can then share with your care provider so that you and them can formulate a better strategy for taking care of yourself. Even if you don't see somebody for mental health, it's still good to have access to a notebook such as this. It gives you the chance to really just jot down your thoughts and your feelings right wrong or indifferent and being able to look back at it in a dear diary sort of format. I would highly recommend this for anyone who has been experiencing any kind of stress, and anxiety, mental health issues, or just trying to get a better understanding of themselves. 


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