Ok so this weeks review isn't your typical product as it is a Do It Yourself (DIY) product.
So over the last few months I have been really interested in cosmology and how to better take care of your skin and just make yourself look and feel better. So like some of you may or may not know but I am on a tight budget. So that I why I started this blog and my YouTube channel. My main focus was to test products and give my honest unbiased opinions of them.
So with this, I am stepping outside of the box in order to help you all make the same thing for half the price. Now some of the items you need to buy to make this product might come out to a bit more than what you are going to buy for just one bottle of the real MAC Fix+ however, you will be able to make several bottles if not more.
The recipe that seems to be the "standard" go to is this:
1 part pure vegetable glycerin
3 parts pure rosewater
3 drops essential oils of choice

Now glycerin you can get from walmart, whole foods, and places like that. Even your local pharmacies should carry it. I used NOW Organics Pure Vegetable Glycerin.
So my recipe was:
2 part PVG
3 part bottled water
1 part ACV
and then I shook the bejesus out of it. Now I will admit that the ACV stung my face a little, however a day later and my skin was visibly clearer, and less oily. So I would dub this a success. You can add essential oils to this mixture if you wanted to, but I would only use a drop or two at the most. The next batch i make will be lavender and tea tree.
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