Viter Energy Mints

Wow these mints are really strong. And they do keep your breath fresh for about 30 minutes give or take after you have chewed them up. I suppose that it might be longer if you just suck on them.

As for the energy aspect of them, that mainly comes from the 40mg of Caffine, the 3.5 mg of B6 and 21mg of B12. So about the equlivant of a half a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea
I have tried other energy mints on the market, and they all fall just short of what I have so far experienced with these.

I went a week without drinking coffee in the morning and only having one of these mints, and felt like it was enough energy to push through until about 2pm.

Here is what the company had to say about their product:

Whatever it is you're doing in your life, you need the energy to do it, and sometimes you just need an energy boost.

We created Viter (rhymes with fighter) Energy Mints for when you need that extra help. When you need an extra boost to do what you want to do.

Easy to carry, convenient to have on the go, and not something you drink, these mints taste good and they work.

Viter Energy Mints were created at the Dave Matthews Band concert at The Gorge Amphitheater in Washington State. We needed an energy boost but didn't want to drink anything because we didn't want to run to the restroom during the concert! We also wanted something that tasted good and had enough caffeine to work, but not so much caffeine that it would leave us up all night.

We wanted an energy breath mint!

These mints are different from your morning coffee or energy drink. Because each mint is a moderate amount of caffeine, use them to fill in the gaps of your day when you don't want to drink another espresso or you can't find time to run to the corner store for a drink. The mints are a convenient and great tasting form of energy on demand for whenever you need them.

Viter Energy Mints -

Taste great - the mints are clean, refreshing, and give you minty fresh breath.
Easy to carry - the tin is small enough to carry in your pocket, purse, or keep in a desk drawer. A tin of mints is much easier to carry around than a can, bottle, or cup.
Have as much or as little caffeine as you need - not every event calls for a venti triple shot of caffeine. Need a small boost? Have one mint. Got something bigger going on? Have another mint.
Ingredients we understand - this is a sugar free breath mint with caffeine and B-vitamins for good taste and energy. We left out the other questionable energy ingredients we don't understand on purpose.
It's not a drink - it's for situations when you just don't want or can't have a drink.

Anytime you need more energy - morning, afternoon, evening, and night - Viter Energy Mints give you the boost and fresh breath you need to do whatever it is you need to get done!

You can get the mints in Spearmint and Wintergreen. Pick them up from or from Amazon.


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