Braun Series 3 Electric Shaver

In the history of me having to shave, I have never ever liked electric razors. They always pinched or pulled my hair, or left me we razor burn or irritated skin.

However, growing up my grandfather, and uncles always had them, and so I always tried to use them with the aforementioned results.
So when I was asked to try out this machine set up, I had already formed my opinions of it and was actually going to use it once, and then clean it really well and give it to a friend for Christmas.

Well need very less to say I'm keeping it.
I have never found an electric razor like this. Its smooth, doesn't pinch or pull, or leave my skin irritated. Now mind you, I still use a disposable razor when I shower, but use this for the 5 o'clock shadow and trim up.

It also has a slide out long hair shaver which is great for touching up sideburns or lining things up.

And I think that by far one of the coolest features is that it has a self cleaning stand that also recharges the unit too. One charge lasts almost 2 weeks of daily use. Me I'm finding it last longer than that, because of my Native American heritage and the fact that I have Low Testosterone my body hair doesn't grow as quickly as others.

Now the biggest issues I have with this is 1.) you really dont get a good close shave like you do with a disposable razor 2.) The razor heads and the cleaning solution is going to run you about $35 to buy and the cheapest place I found so far (outside of Ebay) has been Amazon, even over Wal-Mart. But with that being said, Amazon is only cheapest if you have Amazon Prime. Otherwise Wal-Mart is the best.

Now there are tons of videos and recipes on how to make the cleaning solutions and there is even a website that will sell you the cleaning liquid concentrate for like $8 for 3 packs. But its really up to you on if you want to buy the solution or make your own. One benefit of making your own is you can make larger quantities of it and keep it on hand. But that is not what this post is about.

Over all I am giving it 4 out of 5 stars because of the future cost of upkeep and the fact that you can not (at least in my experience) get a close shave. But that being said this is well worth the investment and would make an amazing gift for the man in your life.


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