The World of FUNKO Pop!

I always seen them but never had them until my 36th birthday. I got this cute little Superman vinyl figure as a birthday gift.

Now anyone who really knows me, knows Im a superhero/comic book freak and love cartoons. Well my all time fav superhero is Superman. So when I got this little dude I fell in love with the entire Funko universe. And a universe it is.

I never knew that there were so many of these little dudes, let alone how extensive the collection is, nor the following that they have. If you can think of a situation, a tv show, a movie, or whatever, you can probably find a Funko to go with it. So if you are a collector (verge of hoarder) like I am, you will get wrapped up in buying these amazing little pieces of art. You can also get protective acrylic cases for the whole box to keep it in pristine condition, because like any collectible item you will pay more for original packaging.

You can get hard plastic cases, or the softer one's. Of course one is less "protective" than the other. But it really depends on the person or the collector on which they want to go with. For me I am going to be going with the "soft" plastic ones for now and as my collection gets larger I may opt for the stronger plastic ones.

But one quick search for them on Amazon will open a portal to their world. Now outside of the collectors aspect, children could play with them if you so wanted to allow them. However, there are times when they come with small parts, or metal springs (they have some that are bobble heads) that can injure a child, so discretions is advised in allowing them to be played with.

Now there are not just these type of Pop's, they have another line called Dorbz, Mini's, Bobbles, Plushies, Ridez and more. So with each is a different set of characters, and configurations, and styles. With the Dorbz line they are all little characters with happy cute almost Anime faces.
So with so many different characters and styles to choose from it really is a daunting task to have to know where to start. My suggestion is, go with what you know and love. If you choose to start collecting them then go with figures or shows that you know and love. The Disney line is a good place to start, because well who doesn't love Disney? Or if you know someone is a Fan Boy/Girl then this might be the perfect gift for them.

Check out this amazing fan site dedicated to them


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