App Match - Service Review
So I recently came across this App Matching application/website called well App Match. Its fun and quirky way to find apps for both iPhone and Android based on simple and silly questions. There are a lot of great questions, that based on how you answer is supposed to give the program insight on your personality and based on your answers provides games, lifestyle, and productivity apps in groups of 3 (meaning typically 1 app from each of the categories).

"App Match connects people with the apps they should be using by asking questions and then recommending apps based on your answers. The questions can range from light hearted and fun to deeply personal. The more questions you answer, the more it learns about you and the better app recommendations it can make."

Whats super fun about this app/site is that you never really know what you are going to get. Its like a digital russian roulette but every outcome is something fun and exciting and not fatal. Check out my video of me using the app. Mind you there is some "adult language" in it but still you'll get a general overview of how it works.

So yeah as you can see its really super simple to navigate and to get great apps suggested. I like the fact that if you accidentally swipe left on an app you can go back and check out the skipped app section I would have downloaded an app to show you how that worked, but I was running out of
room on my phone due to the recording app I use :( but you all should know what its like to download an app by now.

The one downside to this app/site is that it only gives you 3 apps per questions. I would like to see it offer maybe 3 apps per section making it a total of 12 apps.

But since making this video I have found myself playing around and answering more questions and finding more apps that I didnt even know existed on the Play Store, let alone apps that I not only wanted, but that were helpful and fun.

I have really high hopes for this app/site and hope that they further develop it and refine is.

I give it a 3.5 out of 5 stars!


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